Financial Statements
Financial statements for 2023 and independent auditor’s report 10.05.2024 Financial statements for 2022 and independent auditor’s report 01.03.2022 Financial statements for 2021 and independent auditor’s report 30.12.2021 Financial statements for 2020 and independent auditor’s report 21.01.2021 Financial statements for 2019 and independent auditor’s report 20.09.2019The procedure for conducting a competition for the selection of an audit activity subject
Task: mandatory audit of annual financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS for an enterprise of public interest
Requirements for the subject of audit activity:
- inclusion of the subject of audit activity in the appropriate register of auditors and compliance with the requirements of the law regarding the possibility of providing the service
- independence of the subject of audit activity
The main requirements for tender proposals of audit activity subjects:
- the possibility of providing services until May 1 of the year in which the annual financial statements are to be published
- lack of full subscription for services
- competitive price for the service